
Semiotics in Games

Semiotics are images that are used to show a message, character or brand without having to use words. We are brought up with lots of semiotics, from stop signs to the Nike logo on your trainers and we learn what all of them mean without even realizing.

The place that you will see the most semiotics is in video games, for example in Super Mario semiotics are used to resemble different characters, objects and buildings. The most recognizable semiotic used in Super Mario is of Mario’s little hat which features the iconic red “M” in the middle of a white circle.

Image result for mario hat"

As soon as you see this image you immediately think of Mario. It is the same as when you see the face of a Creeper and automatically your brain goes to Minecraft. This is due to us being shown the connection between the two while growing up and playing the games, there is a reason that the Mario games, the Sonic series and Minecraft are family favorites and I believe that this is part of the reason.

Image result for creeper face"

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